
LJS 101 Fol. 1v Detail 1Fol. 1v is the most lavishly ornamented page of the manuscript, with a large decorated initial P. The initial is colored with a palette of gray-blue, bright blue, orange, brownish-red, brownish-green. These colors are enhanced with black accents and light pink highlights. Fantastical beasts and luscious acanthus leaves spring out of the letter. These are complemented with interlace and other geometrical patterns.LJS 101 Fol. 1v Detail 2This initial is reminiscent of others found in manuscripts produced at the Abbey of Saint-BenĂ´it sur-Loire at Fleury and other locations in northern France in the eleventh century. While it was common to add a lavish initial at the beginning of an important religious text, such as a gospel book or psalter, this manuscript is more unusual in being a commentary on a classical text treated in this manner. This emphasizes the importance placed on these types of texts in Carolingian monastic communities.

LJS 101 Fol. 53v DetailIn addition to the main initial, other initials throughout the manuscript are decorated with some pigmentation or calligraphic flourishes. There are also four diagrams of the square of opposition. The square of opposition illustrates logical relationships between specific negative and LJS 101 Fol. 36v positive propositions discussed in the De Interpretatione. These initials and diagrams help structure the manuscript and extend the decoration from the main initial to the rest of the pages.